Life Groups!
Adult Sunday School
The Adult Sunday school class meets Sundays at 9:00am. Class led by Dennis Trautman in room 203.
Ladies Sunday Morning Bible Study
This Bible study starts at 9:00am on Sunday mornings and goes until 9:55am. The class is led by Janice Craig and meets in class 204/205. The book they will be covering next is titled The Names of God: His Character Revealed by Melissa Spoelstra. Women interested in taking this class will need to purchase the Bible Study Participant Workbook. For more info, and to register for the class, click here.
Monthly Welcome Class
New to Generations and want to know more about the church? Our monthly “pizza and fellowship” event is geared towards families and individuals who are new-ish to our church! Join us for lunch and a great time of fellowship! This is a great time to have any questions answered that you might have about Generations Community Church.
NextGen Kids + Teens
We have something for all ages! NextGen Kids meets at 10:00am on Sunday mornings. We also have Youth Group and Kids Hangout on Sunday Nights from 4:30pm-6:00pm. We’d love to see you there!
Online Women's Bible Study (Zoom)
Finding time to get together physically can be a challenge, but we have a solution for women who still want to be a part of a Bible study community even with a busy schedule! Join us Monday nights on Zoom for a women’s Bible study. Click here to get more information about the Women’s Zoom Bible study.
Young Adult Bible Study: 1-2 Samuel
If you’re a young adult and you want to connect with other believers in your stage of life, join us one Saturday each month at noon! Click here to get info on where we’re meeting this month!
Young Women's Bible Study: Book of John
This group is geared toward women in their 20s-30s. We will be studying the book of John starting Wednesday nights in Februrary.
Bible Study: Revelation
Pastor Craig will be leading a group through a deep-dive on the book of Revelation. Join in on Sunday nights from 4:30-6:00pm (same time as youth group and kids hangout) in the worship center. This group happens on the first, second, fourth (and occasional 5th) Sunday each month. (3rd Sunday group meeting is for the Parent’s Hangout!)
Parents Hangout
Geared toward parents with kids in either kids hangout or youth group, this is a great time of fellowship with other parents! This group meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 4:30-6:00pm.