Pastor Craig Laughlin
I grew up in Grays Harbor and spent lots of time at Ocean Shores and Westport as a kid. I became a follower of Jesus as a small child and was called into the ministry in my teen years. As someone who has walked with Jesus for a long time and experienced a lot, I love helping people on their spiritual journey.
Before I became a pastor, I spent 15 years in the marketplace making a living and working on a career like everyone else. That real-world experience deeply impacted the way of lead and pastor today. I see that time as a part of God’s preparation process in my life. Along the way I earned a B.A. in Philosophy and Religion and a Master of Divinity. I love to learn from God’s word, ponder deep questions and share in preaching and teaching what God has taught me.
I’m married to the love of my life Jodi. She is my rock and keeps me on the straight and narrow. Her early career was as a schoolteacher, then she owned her own pre-school and for the last twenty plus years has been in libraries mostly working as a children’s programmer. Obviously, I married way up. We are blessed with two great children. Jana and Kevin both of whom are grown and married. We have two wonderful grandsons.
My favorite hobby is spending time with my family, especially grandchildren. I also enjoy playing the piano, digitizing old photos and family movies and if you promise not to tell anyone, I like to play video games.
Most of all I love God, my family and the people God puts in my life. I love being the pastor of Generations Community and consider it a great honor. I hope you will stop in a check us out sometime. Please introduce yourself to me when you come. I enjoy making new friends.